
WHEN Your body, mind and soul are aligned

extraordinary things happen!



Dear Lightworker, Way Shower, and Positive Influencer, your presence on this planet is meant to create an extraordinary impact. You were born to blaze a new trail for others.
However, if you battle with self-criticism or you find yourself trapped in fear, you are bound to an outed version of yourself that hinders your integration with your higher heart and limits your greatest impact.

Judgment and fear take you out of your body and stop you from making the kind of difference you truly desire to.


How to tell if you are out of your body?

You suffer from...

  • Chronic stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Overwhelm.
  • Burnout.
  • Chronic dis-ease.
  • Fatigue.
  • Mood swings
  • Depression.


Root Causes of living out of your body:
  • Fear of judgment
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of not being good enough
  • A lack of confidence
  • Low self-worth
  • People Pleasing
  • Indecisiveness
  • Perfectionism
  • Fear of dark energy.
  • Doing verses being

Return Home to Your Sacred Temple

Awaken to Your Power

Release the judgment and fear

Slow down. Pause.

Be present.
Be conscious of your thoughts and feelings.
Be responsible for how they create your reality and shape your well-being.
Cultivate a deeper relationship with your sacred temple. 
Trust yourself.
Reclaim your true power. 

Live from the pure truth of your heart.

BE EMBODIED BY your higher self.



I'm Elizabeth Tripp

Your guide to being the

Embodiment of Your Higher Self


For much of my life, I believed my self worth was measured by my achievements. I thought that by constantly striving for more, I would become the successful woman, partner, mother, friend, and mentor I desired to be.

Some of you know this, but in 2016, I left behind a thriving corporate career, embarked on a soul-led journey and began to build a successful global coaching business. Over the last eight years I have coached hundreds of people, launched numerous online programs, hosted a LIVE radio show in NYC , appeared on tv, was interviewed on dozens of podcasts, moved several times, found my soulmate, got married, and became a stepmother.
All my dreams came true. Yet, despite the outward success and personal growth, I still felt unfulfilled and on some level it felt challenging for me to feel complete and whole. This all came to head in the Fall of 2022. My mentor of eight years fell ill and my dad was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I had moved in with my partner and was planning my wedding, and adjusting to life as a stepmom. To put it lightly, with all the changes that were happening, life felt overwhelming, and I fell into a pattern of being hard on myself.
By winter 2023, I felt the need to slow down and pause. Little did I know, this decision would lead me to confront deep-seated judgments and fears that separated me from truly living my life from my heart.

Ultimately, I discovered a very deep belief that I wasn’t good enough. Beneath that, a fear of making a mistake and doing things wrong. These realizations were difficult. I spent nearly a decade dedicated to my spiritual enlightenment, and the perfectionist in me was angry and disappointed in myself for not seeing this earlier, for not getting it right.

For months, I retreated to be present with myself. I slowed down to observe my thoughts, behaviors, and patterns. With a mix of good days and not so good days, I stopped criticizing myself for not moving at the same pace I once had, and instead, honor and accept who I was, and who I wanted to become.
As I sat in my garden, took long nature walks, rode my bike around the neighborhood, swam in the sea, laughed with my husband, and connected with my stepson, I discovered through the anger, shame, and sadness I felt, that I didn't have to do anything to be myself. All that was ever needed was my compassionate presence to myself, and from there, everything in my life began to fall into place.
about 2-min

During this period of rest, I reconnected to a soft gentle

strength within me.

I started to feel more alive, more joyful and peaceful. Slowly and surely, the feeling as though something was missing in my life disappeared, and the fear of messing up and doing things wrong started to seem so silly. I was back in my body, unbound from the judgements and fears that masked the feeling that it wasn’t safe to be me and that I would never measure up.

As I look back on this period, I realize it was an initiation into my Sacred Divine Feminine 
During this time, I returned home to my body.
I deepen my self-love.
I embraced my emotions and learned to let go of control and trust in the divine process of life.
I became present to my whole self and intimately aware of who I am, and I merged with my Divinity.
I realized, the moment we get present to the judgements we make of ourselves, the fears we hold, and let them go, is the moment we are free.  It is the moment we live UNBOUND from our HEART, pure and authentically.


In a deep meditation, a beautiful council of beings, who refer to themselves as "The Divine Council of Light or the Elders", appeared.

It was explained, they oversee life here on planet Earth and have an integral role in assisting us, individually and as a collective, to design our life according to our highest mission. I was shown within the council there were 8 Divine Light representatives present from various star systems in the Universe.

Held by their compassionate light, I was instructed to slow down, relax, come into my body, and learn how to rest into being, so that the purification process I was going through mentally, emotionally and physically could speed up and my higher self could integrate into my being.

During many beautiful encounters, it was explained I would be a guide to others to empower them to integrate with their higher self by way of sharing the wisdom of my experience, and this is exactly why I created THE UNBOUND HEART..


Live Embodied By Your Higher Self.

Lightworker, Way Shower, Thought Leader, you deserve to make a deeper impact without the anxiety, stress and overwhelm.

It's time to slow down, come back into your body, and step into a new paradigm of being.


Are you ready to navigate life through the grace and ease of your heart?




  • Present.
  • Connected.
  • Conscious.
  • Grounded.
  • Centered.
  • Responsible.
  • Able to discern whats true and not.
  • A deep listener.
  • In Flow.
  • In your power.
  • Healthy.
  • Joyful.
  • Compassionate.
  • Peaceful.


You Live as an

Unbound Heart

Imagine the kind of difference you could make?
And how you would feel if your BEINGNESS was all that was needed to spread hope, peace and light?
Imagine how easy, effortless and nourishing this way of being is?
Tune into the kind of soft strength you would emulate.
Think about the kind of faith and trust you would have within yourself... and the kind of legacy you would leave on the world..

"What I know now is that I am beautiful. I know it without pride or uncertainty. I know I am beautiful the same way I know that I breathe. I just am. When I began working with Elizabeth, I was sure I was ugly. I was sure my body was nearly useless, even though I was in a gym five days a week (sometimes doubling up with two workouts in a day) That has all changed now. Now, I've uncovered not only my beauty, but my power."

- Client L.F.


In your new flow state...


A 6-month hybrid program offering personalized 1:1 coaching and transformational group experiential DIVINE LIGHT activations.

  • Illuminate the Blueprint of your Divine Life Design.
  • Get to the core and release deep-seated judgments and fears.
  • Return back to your heart and live embodied by your higher self on a mental, emotional, and cellular level.

1:1 Sessions: 

  • 1 Two-hour session once a month.
  • 45-minute check in once a month.
  • 16+ hours of customized transformational coaching.
    • Discover the art of slowing down and reconnecting with your body.
    • Cultivate the ability to embrace emotional states with both compassion and empowerment.
    • Integrate into deeper self awareness.
    • Recode your body to express your higher-self.
    • Bring wholeness to past lives.
    • Integrate elevated aspects of you/gifts that exist in other dimensions.
    • Reclaim your true power.
    • Restore your ability to operate as an embodied Divine human on a cellular level.
    • Discover a new way to be and do for better health, well-being, and greater impact.

Group Sessions: 

  • 1-hour Group Divine Feminine Activations.
  • Activations Include: Isis, Kuan Yin, White Tara, Mother Mary, Gaia, and The Divine Mother.
  • 6-hours of powerful group experiences.
    • Activate your body on a cellular level to the wisdom of each Divine Feminine.
    • Explore the truths of the Divine Feminine Masters.
    • Balance your way of being: Discover how to embody both the Divine masculine and Divine Feminine.
    • Relax into being for greater health, impact and the good of humanity.

Gain Access to our Inner Light Tribe Private Membership Platform 


"I started working with Elizabeth about a year and a half ago when I walked into her office as a lonely, insecure, and scared ‘girl’. I was uncertain of who I was as a person and where I wanted to go in my life. Through working with Elizabeth, I have discovered many truths about myself by unraveling years (and even lifetimes) of unresolved issues. Her calm, genuine and supportive demeanor along with a comfortable working space provide a safe environment for her and I to work through the layers of my life and clear old toxic energy that was unknowingly holding me back from my true happiness. I have made more progress with Elizabeth than I did working with a traditional therapist which was on and off for most of my adult life." 

- Client Jennifer 

"I love the epiphanies that occur when working with Elizabeth. Identifying these personal and spiritual obstacles seem so obvious once uncovered, yet, I know that I needed the assistance to shed light on them in the first place. Releasing this unneeded ‘weight’ from my life has been exactly what I needed. It’s so freeing - - and having a guide to assist walking further along that path has been a joy."  

- Client Cecily


Return home to your true self





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